Why Buy from Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe’s economy is well diversified and the country is a reliable and competitive supplier of a wide range of minerals; agricultural products; manufactured goods; as well as value-added services.

Although land locked, the country enjoys direct access to seaports in Mozambique, Namibia and South Africa. Total trade in 2015 was to the tune of USD 8.7 billion of which USD 2.7 billion were for exports and USD  6.0 billion of imports.

Zimbabwe is a full Member of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the country is open for free and fair international trade. In 2015, Zimbabwean products were exported to over ninety countries worldwide. South Africa is Zimbabwe’s number one trading partner, accounting for 71% of all exports and 38% of imports, in 2015. Other major export destinations were Mozambique, UAE, Zambia, Botswana, Belgium, Namibia, Israel, the Netherlands and China.

Major export minerals include gold, the platinum group of metals, chrome and diamonds, whilst tobacco, sugar, cotton, tea, fresh fruit and vegetables are the main export crops. Manufactured goods such as metal products, agricultural equipment, leather and leather products, clothing and textiles, processed foods, wood and products thereof, are some of Zimbabwe’s main value-added export products.

International buyers can source a wide range of quality products from Zimbabwe on preferential terms under different Bilateral, Regional and Multi-lateral Trade Agreements.

Goods produced in Zimbabwe, either wholly obtained or sufficiently processed or transformed, enjoy preferential access in the following markets:

  • The European Union (EU): under the interim Economic Partnership Agreement (iEPA). Goods produced or manufactured in Zimbabwe and which satisfy the EU Rules of Origin Criteria, enter the EU markets duty free and quota free.
  • The Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA): COMESA groups 19 countries in Eastern and Southern Africa. Under the COMESA Free Trade Area goods produced or manufactured in Zimbabwe and satisfy the Rules of Origin enter 14 COMESA member states duty free, and the other 4 member states under preferential (reduced) tariffs.
  • The Southern African Development Community (SADC): under the SADC Trade Protocol qualifying products from Zimbabwe enjoy zero tariff treatment on entry into 12 of the 15 Member States are part of the Free Trade Area.
  • Developed countries (e.g. Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland, and USA, among other markets): Zimbabwean products that satisfy the Rules of Origin criteria enjoy preferential tariff treatment (reduced customs duty) under the Generalised System of Preferences (GSP).