Virtual Library
The ZimTrade Virtual Library is a repository of selected trade and business related materials and resources for the benefits of Zimbabwean entrepreneurs in general and exporters from Zimbabwe in particular.
ZimTrade strives to provide effective, value-added and timely trade information and intelligence to all its clients and stakeholders through a host of channels that include in-house publications, trade directories, reports, trade statistics, amongst others.
- About Us
- Export Promotion
- Export Development
- Export Facilitation
- Policy Advocacy
- Exporter Aftercare
- Board Members
- Management Team
- Our Values
- Our Quality Policy
- Virtual Library
- ZimTrade Publications
- Annual Reports
- Newsletter
- Reports
- Trade Agreements
- Trade Regulations
- Trade Policies
- Other Documents
- ZimTrade Help Desk
- Complaints & Suggestions
- Report a Problem / Trade Obstacle
- FAQs
- Enquiry Form
- Contact Us
- Useful Contacts
- Careers