Zimbabwe offers investment opportunities in several sectors of the economy to the regional and international investors community. The pre-requisites have been assembled for foreign investors to join hands with local entrepreneurs to do business in Zimbabwe to cater for the domestic, regional and international markets.
Why set-up an operation in Zimbabwe?
The advantages and opportunities that Zimbabwe offers are:
- Economic and political stability
- Abundant resource endowment in terms of mineral, timber, arable land
- Highly educated and trained labour
- Low-cost of doing business
- Efficient infrastructure
- Preferential market access under bilateral, regional and multi-lateral trade agreements
- Specific tax incentives
- Dynamic local private sector open for joint-venture collaborations
- Excellent housing, education and health facilities
- Appropriate support institutions to help you establish and grow your business. The Zimbabwe Investment Authority (ZIA) will help you settle down and ZimTrade will assit you to find markets for your products and services.
Key Sectors for Investment
Opportunities exist for investments in the following sectors:
- Agriculture and Agri-businesses
- Mining and Quarrying
- Manufacturing
- Tourism
- Value-added Services
- Creative Industries
- Infrastructure Projects, amongst others
Who to contact?
The Zimbabwe Investment Authority (ZIA) is the National Investment Promotion Agency of the Republic of Zimbabwe, entrusted with the mandate to promote and facilitate investments into Zimbabwe.