European Trade data and economic indicators
The European Statistical Office (EUROSTAT) based in Luxembourg, compiles a large number of statistical data from member countries , and in some cases, EUROSTAT has become the only publisher or database manager of EU statistics. This is particularly the case of foreign trade data, centralized into the COMEXT database, accessible online through the WEB free of charge.
Agra Europe is one of the leading publishers of newsletters, legislation reference sources, special reports and market studies on agriculture, agribusiness and the food industry. The site also contains continually updated database providing current and historical statistics and forecasts for world sugar, molasses, alcohol, coffee and tea markets.
The WTO’s databases and publications provide extensive access to trade and tariff data.
World Bank Open Data: free and open access to data about development in countries around the globe.
Statistics is an inherent part of UNCTAD. Being the United Nations’ focal point for the integrated treatment of trade and development and the interrelated issues in the areas of finance, technology, investment and sustainable development, UNCTAD compiles, validates and processes a wide range of data collected from national and international sources. Most of the time series cover long periods, with some dating back to 1948, for almost all economies of the world.
Custom Tariffs / Non-Tariff barriers
The Export Helpdesk is an online service, provided by the European Commission, to facilitate market access for developing countries to the European Union. It provides relevant information required by developing country exporters interested in supplying the EU market, in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. It includes detailed EU tariff as well as various other topics.
Market Access Map is an interactive database on tariff and non-tariff barriers. It contains market access conditions applied at the bilateral level by 171 importing countries to the products exported by more than 234 countries and territories. Market Access Map covers ad valorem tariffs, specific tariffs, quotas, anti-dumping duties and ad valorem equivalents of specific tariff measures. It allows users to analyze the protection of any geographic grouping and sectoral aggregation. It also supports the simulation of tariff reductions using various formulas. Sources of the data are from national reports to U.N. Tariff and Market Access Database of ITC and UNCTAD; tariff quota from WTO; national sources for bilateral and regional tariff quota agreements; anti-dumping duties from notifications to WTO; trade data from the COMTRADE database of the United Nations Statistics Division; the Integrated Database of WTO; and direct from national sources.
IPFSAPH is an interagency portal providing references and full-text documents of international and national standards, legislations, and official supporting materials related to sanitary and phytosanitary measures (SPS) across sectors of food safety, animal, and plant health. It also contains related agreements, decisions, disputes, guidelines, notifications, and standards.
This international organization located in Geneva, manages a free database on international standards, searchable by keywords. Full-text documents can be purchased online.
Legislation in force in the fields of Customs and Taxation is to be found on this website.
This WEB site is managed by Centre for the Promotion of Import from developing countries (CBI), an agency of the Netherlands Government Access Guide provides market reports and information on European non-tariff trade barriers, such as requirements on the safety of products, the health of consumers, social standards, business ethics and environmental issues. An index to market information enables searches by sector or topics in order to identify relevant reports published by CBI and other organizations about European markets. CBI reports can be downloaded free of charge. The CBI WEB site includes also a virtual showroom displaying selected products from developing countries on the WEB, in parallel with their physical exhibition in specialized trade fairs. The CBI WEB site includes a news section and a RSS feed service. A weekly newsletter can also be subscribed free of charge.
The Commission of the European Union has developed a portal on market access requirements in many non-EU countries, in five databases, covering trade statistics (access to EU/COMEXT see Chapter 1), customs tariffs and procedures, trade barriers and SPS .Access to the Sectoral Trade Barriers Database is free. However, information under the Exporters Guide, Applied Tariffs, and WTO Bound Tariffs is only available to users connecting from any of the 27 European Union member states or new candidates.
Chambers of Commerce and Industry
EUROCHAMBRES represents over 20 million member enterprises in Europe through 45 members (43 national associations of chambers of commerce and Industry and two transnational chamber organisations) and a European network of 1700 regional and local chambers. More than 93% of these enterprises are Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Chamber members employ over 120 million employees.
Business Directories
EuroCommerce is the voice for six million retail, wholesale, and other trading companies. Members include national commerce federations in 31 countries, Europe’s 28 leading retail and wholesale companies, and federations representing specific sectors of commerce.
EUROPAGES helps small businesses to find and get found on the European market. It’s the largest B2B directory in Europe, but also a web B2B marketing solutions provider.
Kompass provides offers global business information that can be used for sales, marketing, research and purchasing. It covers over 60 countries worldwide.
Market Places is a platform for global wholesale trade serving millions of buyers and suppliers around the world. Through, small businesses can sell their products to companies in other countries. Sellers on are typically manufacturers and distributors based in China and other manufacturing countries such as India, Pakistan, the United States and Japan.
The World Trade Point Federation (WTPF), an international non-governmental organization established in 2000, grew out of an innovative programme of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD). Through a network of more than 100 trade information and facilitation centres, known as Trade Points, the WTPF assists small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in over 70 countries worldwide to trade internationally through the use of electronic commerce technologies.
The information available in the AUMA trade fair database covers approximately 5,000 trade fairs in Germany and worldwide, including: dates, distribution data, statistics and information how to contact trade fairs and event organisers.
European Associations
UEAPME is the employers’ organisation representing the interests of European crafts, trades and SMEs at EU level. UEAPME is a recognized European Social Partner. It is a non-profit seeking and non-partisan organisation.
(a) the furtherance of knowledge and understanding of agricultural economics, especially in the European context;
(b) the exchange of experience, ideas and information between agricultural economists.
FoodDrinkEurope’s contribution is based on sound scientific research, robust data management and effective communication, working within the regulatory framework to ensure that all food and drink issues are dealt with in a holistic manner. The organisation promotes its members’ interests in areas such as food safety and science, nutrition and health, consumer trust and choice, competitiveness, and environmental sustainability.
UNESDA represents the Union of European Soft Drinks Associations. Its members are soft drinks companies who conduct their business in at least five EU Member States and also national associations from across the EU27 and beyond. Our mission is to support the growth, development and understanding of non-alcoholic beverages at a European level.
Euromines is the recognised representative of the European metals and minerals mining industry. The association’s main objective is to promote the industry and to maintain its relations with European institutions at all levels. Euromines provides services to its members with regard to EU policy and serves as a network for cooperation and for the exchange of information throughout the sector within Europe. The association also fosters contacts with the mining community throughout the world.
Eurometaux constitutes the interface between the European non-ferrous metals industry and the European authorities and international or intergovernmental bodies. It is committed to establishing dialogue with the latter in order to ensure early consultation in all fields of policy and legislation that may affect industry and to asserting the sector’s views and positions in this respect.
- The European Aluminium Association (EAA) was founded in 1981 and represents the aluminium industry in Europe. It encompasses primary aluminium producers, downstream manufacturers, producers of recycled aluminium and national aluminium associations representing the manufacturers of rolled and extruded products in 18 European countries. Other associations, that are the Organisation of European Aluminium Remelters and Refiners (OEA) and the European Aluminium Foil Association (EAFA) are also members of the EAA.
EURACOAL evolved in 2002 from the European Solid Fuels’ Association – CECSO – after the expiry of the ECSC Treaty establishing the European Coal and Steel Community. EURACOAL is composed of 35 Members from 20 countries amongst which national producers and importers associations, companies and research institutes from Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, the Ukraine and the United Kingdom.
BEUC investigates EU decisions and developments likely to affect consumers, with a special focus on eight areas identified as priorities by their members: Financial Services, Food, Digital Rights, Consumer Rights, Sustainability, Safety, Health and Energy.
The European Association of Development Agencies (EURADA) has a membership of about 130 regional development agencies from across the European Union. Agencies from almost all the Member States of the EU are EURADA members. EURADA runs conferences and seminars and has an extensive publications programme.
The European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (ACEA) represents the 15 Europe-based car, van, truck and bus makers: BMW Group, Daimler, DAF, Fiat, Ford of Europe, General Motors Europe, Hyundai Motor Europe, Iveco, Jaguar Land Rover, PSA Peugeot Citroën, Renault, Toyota Motor Europe, Volkswagen Group, Volvo Cars, Volvo Group.
EUREC was founded in 1991 as European Economic Interest Grouping (E.E.I.G.) with the goal of improving the quality and scope of European research and development in renewable energy technologies. The purpose of the association is to promote and support the development of innovative technologies and human resources to enable a prompt transition to a sustainable energy system.
The European Fundraising Association (EFA) is a network of 22 member associations and observers from across Europe. They represent the European fundraising community with one voice, one collective body and one shared goal of facilitating better fundraising.